Saturday, May 24, 2008


Yesterday I did an experiment. I decided to call France on my cell phone. My husband Scott signed us up for an international plan to ease the costs. Voila! It worked. I couldn't believe that I was able to call another country from my cell. So cool. Mom and I are looking forward to Tuesday.

Diane speaking: I was amazed and impressed to hear Jaime's ability to speak so fluently. I could hardly understand anything she said except New Hampshire! Her Dartmouth connection is how she met her wonderful family and spent two incredible weeks immersed in the language and culture halfway around the world. I wonder if I will learn any French or just sit back and enjoy watching her converse! Having my own private interpretor will be a joy for me! Oui, (yes), it will be quite an experience traveling with my daughter. Our journey will be a lasting memory! When I named Jaime Michele I never realized what a francophile she would become. The Jaime part was for J'aime; I love and the Michele part, okay that wasn't French, it was for my favorite Beatles song sung by who else, but Paul McCartney!

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